

Positive thinking has been an overused phrased for a long time. If you’re anything like me, there may have even been times where this phrased designed to get us out of a rut has actually become a source of guilt because no matter how hard you try, it just doesn’t seem to change anything. Well, today’s guest, Chris Helder, brings the key to unlock the step that positive thinking falls short of. Useful belief is more than just thinking about something in a good light, it’s about asking the question, “What is the most helpful thing to get me from this point to the next point?”. Simple. Useful. Powerful. And, as we hear today, we hear how this mind-changing, life-transforming concept was put to good use when Chris first grasped it.

We also look in the workplace. Since we’re improving our frame of mind, we might as well go about improving our workplace. Dermot Crowley is the author of the book, “Smart Work: Centralise. Organise. Realise”. He gives us the simple steps that can take us from overcrowded email inbox, to a simplified work system that not only makes things look more under control, but actually removes stress.


To find out more about Chris and Useful Belief, go to: Chris Helder
To find out more about Dermot Crowley and Smart Work, go to: Dermot Crowley

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