Maggie Dent - Parental As Anything, podcast, book, parenting, Maggie Dent, one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors and educators gives you practical tips and answers to your real-world parenting dilemmas. Author of eight major books, including her bestselling 2018 book Mothering Our Boys and her 2020 release From Boys to Men, Maggie talks to Luke about the challenges of parenting when you didn’t get great role modelling from your own parents, or why sticker charts and other bribes/rewards don’t work so well in parenting.

She’ll help you be the parent you really want to be and give you ideas on how you can raise healthy kids who thrive.

Maggie is host of the ABC podcast Parental As Anything and in 2021 released a book of the same name. She has also authored several smaller books and e-books, and is a prolific creator of resources for parents, adolescents, teachers, educators and others who are interested in quietly improving their lives.

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