book, author, skills, career, advice, professor, expert

Drawing on 25 years of scientific research, Elaine Fox shares with us her step-by-step guide to what she calls ‘switchcraft’: the set of skills we need to navigate a complex and uncertain world.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to dealing with life. Elaine Fox, one of the world’s leading psychologists and performance coaches, has witnessed this time and again. In her work coaching top athletes, military leaders and business professionals, she has seen that it’s the people who know how and when to switch between different approaches – people who have an agile mind – who achieve the best performance.

ELAINE FOX is Professor and Head of the School of Psychology at the University of Adelaide. She spent almost ten years at the University of Oxford where she founded and directed a world-leading research centre exploring the nature of resilience and mental wellbeing. A cognitive psychologist by training, she is a leading mental health researcher combining genetics, psychology and neuroscience in her work. Her first book Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain was published in 2012.